Fee Schedule

K-8th Grade Pricing Information

We Offer Annual or Monthly Pricing



Curriculum Included

Registration Fee (Included)

Student Testing Fee ($25)

Activity Fee ($75)

Additional Pricing May Apply

Please View Our PDF for Full Details



Curriculum Included

Registration Fee (Included)

Student Testing Fee ($25)

Activity Fee ($75)

Additional Pricing May Apply

Please View Our PDF for Full Details

Additional School Information

Late Fees & Return Check Fees Policy

• A $15.00 charge will be assessed for any payments made after the 10th of the month.

• A $30.00 charge will be assessed for any returned checks.

Unpaid Balance

Payments are due on the first of the month, beginning August 1st and ending May 1st. School records will not be released until final balance has been paid (including any before/after school fees and any other child care charges)

Scholarship Students (Special Arrangements)

Scholarship students: Before & After school care fees will be determined based on scholarship amount and must be agreed and signed by parent.

McKay Students (with an IEP)

Tutoring services will be provided for McKay students (with an IEP) based on individual scholarship funding.

Tuition & Student Withdraw

Tuition payments are not refundable. A parent wishing to withdraw a student will be responsible for all tuition fees up through the month of withdrawal. Example: If a student attends classes any day during the month of withdrawal, full tuition fees will be collected for that month.

Before / After School Fees

Before and After Care Fees are based on our 180 day School Year. Holiday childcare fees are not included in these fees, therefore additional charges will apply. Before and After Care monthly fees are not discounted due to absences. Harvest Time will only pro-rate the first and last month of school.

Call To Schedule Your Tour Today!

Our Friendly Staff Is Looking Forward to Meeting You & Your Student.